Phone: 071 - 9176665
The school performed the Disney musical the “The Little Mermaid” in the Cliffoney hall on the 5th , 6th,7th of June.
Luke Devaney did a wonderful job producing and directing the musical and it received high praise from a packed house on each of the nights .We also did a matinee which was attended by children from the neighbouring schools.
Our parents association did great work in kitting out the children with some amazing costumes. Particular praise must be given to Aideen Connolly who put in a lot of hours into making costumes and painting the set.
Mick Geelan was in charge of set design and was very generous with his time and resources. The parents association and in particular Aileen Gau sourced some fantastic prizes for the fundraising raffle.
The children really enjoyed the experience and threw themselves wholeheartedly into the acting, singing and dancing for the musical. There were lots of laughs and smiles and you could see the children’s confidence growing with each rehearsal performance.
Open day 2025
February Mid-Term
St. Patrick's Day
Easter Holidays
May Bank Holiday