Welcome to
St Aidan's NS Ballintrillick

Email: ballintrillickns@gmail.com
Phone: 071 - 9176665

Green School

Pupils from St Aidans School Ballintrillick promoting Green Schools

Green Flag

Green Flag Awarded to St Aidans NS BallilntrillickWe were awarded our first Green Flag for "Litter and Waste" in May 2013.

Everyone in our school worked very hard to receive the award and are continuing to do so.

We were rewarded our Second Green Flag “Energy” in May 2014. Working on both flags has helped us make positive changes on how we save energy and recycle both at school and at home.

In 2016 we recived our Third Green Flag - The “Water” Flag.

Currently, we are working towards our Travel Flag. Click here to see what we are getting up to.

We hope everyone will help us in our efforts to recycle, save energy and respect water.

Climate Action Week

On October 20th, 2017, we planted an oak tree for Climate Action week and made a short video. The oak tree has been donated to the school by an organisation called http://www.aseasyas12tree.weebly.com

Our Tree Expert, Liam, came into the school to tell us all about trees.

Tree Expert, Liam, talking to the pupils of St Aidans NS Ballintrillick Pupils of St Aidans NS Ballintrillick learning about planting trees

For more photos, see Climate Action Week Gallery.


The children take great pride in maintaining the compost in the garden.

Children looking after the compost at St. Aidans School Ballintrillick     Pupils at St. Aidans Ballintrillick and their compost

Ballintrillick Clean Up

Some of the pupils and parents of St.Aidan's School helping out with the Annual Ballintrillick Environmental Clean Up hosted at The Benwiskin Centre in 2015.